We are fortunate to see hope, relief and gratitude on the faces of people who turn to us and our partner agencies for food. We also know the happiness our donors feel when they know they’ve made a huge impact in someone else’s life. But now, more than ever before, we need "Your Help" to feed our neighbors of Chicago, IL
We invite you to be a part of our food Pantry. We are a ministry reaching out to bring a change to the community, one life at a time, this your time to change your community and touch the world. Can I help somebody as I travel along the way, your living can change lives "Your Help" to feed our neighbors of Chicago, IL
Mother Jones Food Pantry
711 W 120th Street
Chicago, IL. 60628


Your tax-deductible donation will provide relief to families and children. Every dollar you donate helps provide 9 nutritious meals to those struggling with hunger.
HomeAbout MJFPWe Need Your HelpAbout Mother Gertrude C. Jones

Phone: 773.305.7555
​Emergency: 773.301.3053
THE MOTHER JONES FOOD PANTRY is collecting HATS COAT GLOVES HOT HANDS to help the cold this not just their problem, it's all our problem. Help us save someone from frost bite or amputation. 

Our team will be going out  to spread love to those suffering here in this great City Chicago. "My 10 year old twins said we must do something uncle"  we will pick up any items for donation. We passed out dinners for thanksgiving and Christmas it brought tears to my eyes to see man woman young and old living in Cardboard boxes I cannot imagine that in Chicago please help
PLEASE CALL 773-301-3053